Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Loud Music!

In Colorado, a lot of people were complaining about noise violations. The music kids played was loud and they did not like that type of music at all. A judge decided that he would take all of those kids and make them listen to loud music they did not like at all. The judge played Barney and other types of music they did not like. The kids had to listen to the music for an hour to teach them a lesson. I couldn't believe it, he used such a creative way of punishing them and found a solution. He also made sure that they knew how other people felt when they put on their loud music that other people didn't like.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Shrimp on a Treadmill(:

Scientists put shrimp on a treadmill? Well, it's true, scientists put shrimp on a treadmill to learn about marine animal's immune system. The studies showed that healthy shrimp ran a lot faster than sick shrimp. The healthy shrimp ran at an average speed of 20 meters per minute. Sick shrimp would didn't do as well as the healthy shrimp. The sick shrimp would lack in doing a lot of things like finding food, migrating, and even avoid being eaten. I think this experiment is really cool. Marine animals are my favorite and I think it would be cool to learn more about them. (:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sonic Boom

Yesterday, a space shuttle landed in California. It was pretty scary because I was outside and I didn't know what it was. But then I found out it was a Sonic Boom. The space shuttle was supposed to land in Florida but it didn't because of bad weather. The space shuttle was going 235 mph and caused two sonic booms as it broke the sound barrier.